Laurie Howarth

Laurie Howarth has lived and worked  in Waldoboro, Maine since 1986. She is semi-retired from a 43+ year career in veterinary medicine.

She is new to the workings of Land Trusts having been a board member of MVLT for the past 2 years and part of the merger committee. The natural world with its animals, land, plants, and waters has always been the undercurrent of her life ever since her childhood. Her concern for the environment began as a teenager. Her choice of attending veterinary college in Ames ,Iowa was based on not wanting to live in a city for four years.

She has raised a son in Maine who recently returned from California to live and work in Maine. Her husband, Bill Chapman, is a retired boat captain. They both enjoy spending time with their 4 dogs and staying at their Island camp. Laurie is an avid gardener during good weather and a weaver during inclement weather.


Carolyn Gabbe


Buck O’Herin, Board President