Clean Water Act 50th Anniversary!

The Clean Water Act's objective is to "restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Nation's waters" and is the primary law that protects our waters from pollution.

Did you know that the Clean Water Act was introduced by a Maine senator? Ed Muskie chaired the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution and was a champion for the environment! Mainers have long sought to protect and restore vital lands and waters on a scale that matters.

This pivotal environmental protection law has a critical impact on the waterways of Midcoast Conservancy

The Damariscotta Lake Watershed Association received two rounds of Section 319 of the Clean Water Act funding for project cycles that finished in 1998 and 2001, and Midcoast Conservancy received similar funding in 2017 and 2020. This funding has helped install Best Management Practices that prevent erosion through large-scale construction projects and our Youth Conservation Corps program.

Every waterway in Maine is classified by water quality standards that designate use and numeric standards for temperature, dissolved oxygen and bacteria which relate to making the water swimmable, drinkable and fishable. Each state is required to have these standards per the Clean Water Act and they protect our water from becoming degraded; a classification cannot be downgraded once it is set.

In the Sheepscot River we're working to collect data to upgrade the classification and thus the protections around the Cooper's Mills reach to safeguard it from future pressures. The presence of the historic dam (removed in 2018!) led to the reach's lower classification; upgrading will prevent future dam structures within the reach.

In the Medomak River Estuary, bacteria pollution has been a critical concern as high levels of bacteria can close shellfishing areas. The Medomak Project worked tirelessly to find sources of bacteria in order to protect the local economy.

The Clean Water Act and the associated State classifications prevent new discharge of pollutants that would be detrimental to the estuary.

Thank you Clean Water Act and here's to many more years!


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